- High school graduate (Bachiller Nacional), Colegio de La Salle, Buenos Aires, 1972.
- Agronomist (Ingeniero Agrónomo) – Specialization in Agricultural Production School of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires, 1981. Degree: Ingeniero Agrónomo. National professional licence N° 0975-01-01.
- Partner of the firm Diego Beccar Varela y Cía. S.A. from 1983 to present.
Administration and advisory services of agricultural enterprises. - TYKYNA S.A. – Agroforestry Enterprise. El Dorado, Province of Misiones. Director from 1986 to 1990.
- ASTON S.A. – Administrator of Estancia “La Providencia” in Florentino Ameghino, Province of Buenos Aires, from 1982 to 1983.
- CREA Group “Tambero Ameghino Villegas” – Current member and founding partner since 1986. Twice Chairman (1989-1990 and 2011-2012). Seven times Treasurer.
- RIDZO Network – “Innovation and Development Network of the Western Zone AACREA” – District representative for dairy farming. From 2009 to 2012.
- DAIRY COMMISSION OF AACREA – Representing the Western Zone in 2012 and 2013. Later President of the Commission from 2013 to 2015.
- ESCUELA INCHAUSTI – Represented AACREA Western Zone on occasion of the Agreement signed between the La Plata National University and INTA (Argentine Agricultural Technology Institute) – Experimental dairy farm. 1995 to 1996.
- CREA Carro Quemado Luan Toro – Member from 1989 to 1992. Treasurer for the period 1991-1992.
- CREA ESQUINA – Corrientes – 2020. Administrator of one of the member farms.
- United States of America
Invited by the firm Juan De Bernardi S.R.L. Visit to various dairy farms and the University of Gainsville in Florida. Visit to dairy farms in the north of the country. Participation in the World Dairy Expo in Madison, 1996. - Canada
Invited by the firm Semex Argentina. Visits to several dairy farms in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario and to universities, 1998. - Chile:
Invited by “Proleche” (De Laval – Boheringer Ingelheim – Gepsa Feeds – Breeders) to visit the dairy farms owned by Carlos Heller (Falabella). 2913.